Hello, from Steve Garten and welcome to my weird and wonderful world of moths.

I’m amateur Lepidopterist, I trap and record moth species on my six acre wildlife meadow at Tibenham Norfolk, UK.

The list of moths listed in this Micro-moths blog and the Macro Moths blog are the species I have recorded since 2015.

London Dowd - Blastobasis lacticolella

London Dowd - Blastobasis lacticolella. A micro moth species from the family of Blastobasidae . The moth has a wingspan of 18 to 21 mm—light buff with browner markings but very variable in the degree of markings, with unmarked examples common. This moth is on the wing in May and June and again in the autumn. The adult is nocturnal and comes readily to light. Its habitat Is Hedgerows, woodland , and gardens. The species’ life history is that its foodplant is on various mosses, dead insects, detritus, decaying vegetable matter, and on seedpods of Tree Lupin and Tansy. Originally not a British species, this moth was accidentally introduced with fruit and vegetables and appears to be established and expanding its range. It was first recorded in Kent in 1946. The species is classified as common in the UK.

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