Hello, from Steve Garten and welcome to my weird and wonderful world of moths.

Iā€™m amateur Lepidopterist, I trap and record moth species on my six acre wildlife meadow at Tibenham Norfolk, UK.

The list of moths listed in this Macro-moths blog and the Micro Moths blog are the species I have recorded since 2015.

Beaded Chestnut-Agrochola lychnidis.

Beaded Chestnut, (Agrochola lychnidis).

A macro moth species from the family of, Noctuidae, Subfamily, Xyleninae.

The moth has a wingspan of 30-35 mm.

The moth as one generation flying from September to early-November.

The species is quite variable, and there are several named forms.

The species habitat is mainly broad-leaved woodland, scrub, hedgerows, grassland, heathland and gardens.

It overwinters as an egg.

The larva appears from late-March to June, feeding mainly at night.

The larvae feed on low plants when small, later consuming the leaves of various trees and shrubs.

It forms a brittle cocoon underground. It pupates within several weeks.

The moth is classed as a common species of the UK.

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